Spring Centers

This week, I have had a spurt of motivation to Spring Clean up some of the freebies I listed earlier in my TpT journey. They were looking a little tired. 
Find a Farm Babies Write (Cut and Paste) the Room and a little freebie for Easter over in our TPT store!


You may like to take advantage of the sale to grab a few of my most recent listings. The 'Spring Games Super Pack' is one of my new favourites. It has 20 literacy and math activities!

Here are a few photos to show you what is included:

Letter Substitution in cvc words

Making equal groups to model multiplication

Adding and Subtracting 5 in Flower Power

Matching cvc, ccvc and cvcc words with pictures

Sorting ee and ea words

Identifying short and long vowel sounds.

Reading 100 sight words

Finding missing numbers in sequences